The User Experience on Decentralized Exchanges: Challenges and Solutions

Liberty Finance DEX
3 min readMar 19, 2023


Decentralized Exchanges UX is one of the biggest factors hindering adoption. Solutions are needed and being built as you read this.

Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) have gained popularity in recent years due to their ability to offer users greater control over their assets, increased transparency, and better security than their centralized counterparts. However, one area where DEXs can struggle to compete is in the user experience (UX). In this post, we’ll explore some of the challenges that decentralized exchanges face when it comes to UX and discuss some of the ways to improve it.

Challenge I: Complexity

One of the most significant challenges that decentralized exchanges face is the inherent complexity of the technology. Unlike centralized exchanges, which typically provide a simple and straightforward interface for users, decentralized exchanges require users to interact with smart contracts and manage their own private keys. This can be intimidating and confusing for users who are new to cryptocurrency trading.

Solution: Simplify the User Interface

To overcome this challenge, decentralized exchanges can focus on simplifying the user interface as much as possible. This can involve using clear and concise language to explain complex concepts, providing helpful tooltips or guides, and streamlining the user flow to reduce the number of steps required to complete a trade. Additionally, decentralized exchanges can provide more educational resources to help users understand how the technology works and how to use it effectively — which is exactly one of the unique offerings of Libfi through the Libfi academy, where any and all info for beginners, as well as advanced traders, can be easily accessed. We strongly believe, as educators first, that education and discipline are of paramount importance for a successful trader.

Challenge II: Low Liquidity

Another challenge that decentralized exchanges face is low liquidity, which can result in slow trades or unfavorable prices. This is because decentralized exchanges rely on users to provide liquidity, rather than using a central order book like centralized exchanges. Check out our blog dedicated to the issue of liquidity.

Solution: Incentivize Liquidity Providers

To address this challenge, decentralized exchanges can offer incentives for users to provide liquidity. This might include providing reduced fees or other rewards for users who contribute to the liquidity pool. Additionally, decentralized exchanges can partner with liquidity providers or market makers to ensure that there is sufficient liquidity available for traders.

Challenge III: Slow Transaction Speeds

Another challenge that decentralized exchanges face is slow transaction speeds. Because trades on decentralized exchanges are executed on the blockchain, they can take longer to process than trades on centralized exchanges. This can result in frustrating wait times for users.

Solution: Improve Blockchain Scalability

To address this challenge, decentralized exchanges can work to improve blockchain scalability. This might involve adopting new technologies like layer-two solutions or sidechains, which can help to increase transaction speeds and reduce fees.

In the case of Libfi, the Gather blockchain, upon which the platform is built, assures a fast and low-fee ecosystem.

As such, decentralized exchanges can prioritize high-performance blockchains that are optimized for trading, such as those based on the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

In conclusion, decentralized exchanges offer many benefits to cryptocurrency traders, including greater security and control over assets. However, to be successful, they must also provide a smooth and intuitive user experience.

By focusing on simplifying the user interface, incentivizing liquidity providers, and improving blockchain scalability, decentralized exchanges can overcome the challenges they face and provide a seamless trading experience for users. These are precisely the points Liberty Finance DEX addresses, creating a seamless experience for seasoned traders, alongside newcomers to the crypto world. Everybody is welcome, so come join the revolution!



Liberty Finance DEX

Custody Should Not Be Centralized! The future will be shaped by new-age decentralized exchanges. Liberty Finance DEX welcomes it!